Abandonment Survey

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Drucker School of Management

TOD Pro™ and the Drucker School of Management – Claremont Graduate University are conducting an anonymous study on ABANDONMENT to further a topic introduced by Peter Drucker in 1999.

Peter Drucker said: “The first step in a growth policy is not to decide where and how to grow. It is to decide what to abandon. In order to grow, a business must have a systematic policy to get rid of the outgrown, the obsolete, and the unproductive.

Abandonment does not need to be an epic event occurring at an enterprise level. To be effective, it must become part of the DNA of the organization. Abandonment can be minor activity conduct by one individual, or it could be the overall vision of the firm. What does abandonment mean to you and your company? Please complete our survey and let us know!

Abandonment is a conscious decision by any member(s) of an organization to completely stop the allocation of resources to a particular activity.

TOD Pro™ and the Drucker School of Management – Claremont Graduate University would like to thank you for contributing to the survey and the advancement of the management discipline!